Celebrated a wonderful Thanksgiving. Delicious food, grea friends and family. realize that I don't have much time for this blog, so sometimes it seems silly to keep updating. Will post more updated news later. I am just not much of a blogger. LOL
After finally living in one place for more than three years. My family and I have moved to Florida. I am back in the state I was born in. We sadly left Virginia after 7 years of living in Norfolk and Virginia Beach. As long as I am with the loves of my life, I am fine.
I have the best little boys ever. They are the best things that I have ever created in the world. We have two boys, Alec, 5 years-old and Asher, 10 months-old. Jason is working for the government, while I teach 8th grade language arts and reading. We spend most weekends trying to catch up on the house. We try to fit in a fun activity every now and then. Either Sea World, Busch Gardens, or the monthly BJ's trip to stock up on diapers.
My sweetheart and I are starting a new life without the Navy! Its amazing to be able to spend holidays together without the interuption of duty.
We have finally moved into our own home, no more renting.
Since we practically live in Disney's backyard. Everyone is welcome to come stay with us while enjoying Orlando's perks.