Friday, December 26, 2008

wii Fun

After a day of nonstop wii, we finally broke from the monotony and went clearance shopping! YEAH! We bought a brand new Christmas tree for next year (our old one is getting, well old). some new lights, a few new decorations and a new wreath for the door. All in all it was pretty rewarding (for me). I'll tell you one thing, the wii is crazy. I love it, one of the best technological devices we have purchased, but after one day of yoga, bowling and boxing. I am sore! I think my husband and I have played it more than Alec (and it is his gift)!
Today as I watched my husband play wii with Alec, I felt very blessed. I was in the kitchen making chocolate covered pretzels, (while our youngest, Asher, rifled through the pantry pulling all the popcorn bags out of the box and dumping them on the floor). I felt blessed because I have a wonderful husband, who is an excellent father. I'll admit when your child ask you to play with him and it involves the wii, its not hard to comply. However, when your fully involved in play with praise and support. It means a lot. Unfortunately in my job (teacher), I am witness to underprivileged children. Not just financially. I mean they are underprivileged in all ways regarding love, naturing, any type of parenting. I realized how lucky I was to have such an involved husband. But as you can see from the picture, he can be a child himself. That is why I love him so much.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

Getting to bed too late and having to get up so early is not my ideal of fun. However, seeing Alec's face as he opens his presents is worth it. Asher wasn't too concerned about his gifts, in fact he straight up ignored them. Alec wasn't the same (at 6 months) Alec was ripping into his gifts with glee. Asher hasn't even played with his new toys once.
Jason spent most of the morning trying to hook up the wii and teaching us how to use it. I think that Jason and I have used it more than Alec. Occasionally, Alec will start a game and then ask us to finish his game. We also started the Wii fit and are on a workout plan for the next 3 months to lose weight. Jason wants to lose 12 lbs and I would like to lose 22 lbs (in time for my cousin's wedding in May).
Asher has tried several times today to take a nap, however, every time I lie down with him, he wakes within minutes. I am not sure if this means that 10 minutes is enough for him, or he just doesn't want mommy to rest.
Our Christmas dinner consisted of Glazed Honey Ham, Maple Glazed Carrots and Mashed potatoes. Which only Jason and I enjoyed. Asher did partake in the mashed potatoes. Alec decided not to eat.
Another Christmas has come and gone, it seems so sad to see it end. However, maybe next year will be more interesting. Asher won't be so fussy and we will be in St Louis enjoying it with family.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Confusing to Blog

This blogging thing can be a bit confusing. I feel like a 99 year-old in an Apple store! While I try to decode the tricks and links, my youngest, who should be in bed now, is playing with the Christmas tree! Lets pray it doesn't fall over on him. I would be vegged out in front of the television right now, but the classic Christmas movies aren't playing as usual. I would love to watch A Miracle on 34th Street and It's a Wonderful Life, but to no avail haven't been able to find them. Bu humbug!

A Bummed Christmas

This Christmas was supposed to be spent in Atlanta with my extended family. We usually refer to it as a Tennessee Christmas. However, with my Grandparent getting older, we decided to forgo Tennessee and celebrate in Atlanta.

One little thing has prevented us from celebrating in Atlanta. The FLU! Asher first caught it 2 weekends before Christmas. Then he passed it onto me and so forth. Once Jason got it, we knew it would be a matter of time before Alec got it. So 10 days before Christmas, the entire clan is sick with the flu! Now we are better, Alec is still suffering from headaches and occasional fever.

Since we can't be in Atlanta with family, we are actually spending our first Christmas in our own home as a family ever! Big Feat! I know. I'm sadden a bit because, this is Asher's first Christmas. My grandparents (Asher's Great grandparents) haven't met him yet, nor my aunt and uncle in Atlanta. I had been looking forward to this Christmas and planning so much, that now it just depressing.

I am trying to think of the positives of staying home,

1. Baking cookies with Alec on Christmas Eve for Santa

2. Going to a Christmas Eve Church service

3. Riding around the neighborhoods looking at the Christmas Decorations

4. Actually spending a Christmas at home

5. Not having to drive 8 hours one way

6. Not having to deal with a 10 month old who wants to get into everything in a strange non-baby proofed home.

7. Not having to lug all the gifts and then hide them until Christmas

8. Being able to rest and relax all Christmas break and not "recoup from vacation"

I just hope that two years from now in 2010 when its time to go to Atlanta again, no one is sick!