Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

Getting to bed too late and having to get up so early is not my ideal of fun. However, seeing Alec's face as he opens his presents is worth it. Asher wasn't too concerned about his gifts, in fact he straight up ignored them. Alec wasn't the same (at 6 months) Alec was ripping into his gifts with glee. Asher hasn't even played with his new toys once.
Jason spent most of the morning trying to hook up the wii and teaching us how to use it. I think that Jason and I have used it more than Alec. Occasionally, Alec will start a game and then ask us to finish his game. We also started the Wii fit and are on a workout plan for the next 3 months to lose weight. Jason wants to lose 12 lbs and I would like to lose 22 lbs (in time for my cousin's wedding in May).
Asher has tried several times today to take a nap, however, every time I lie down with him, he wakes within minutes. I am not sure if this means that 10 minutes is enough for him, or he just doesn't want mommy to rest.
Our Christmas dinner consisted of Glazed Honey Ham, Maple Glazed Carrots and Mashed potatoes. Which only Jason and I enjoyed. Asher did partake in the mashed potatoes. Alec decided not to eat.
Another Christmas has come and gone, it seems so sad to see it end. However, maybe next year will be more interesting. Asher won't be so fussy and we will be in St Louis enjoying it with family.

1 comment:

  1. You don't need help! You got it, and it looks good. We got a Wii for Christmas, too, but I can't get the girls off the old X-Box we just finally got out of storage so I can try to hook up the Wii. :)
