Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Bummed Christmas

This Christmas was supposed to be spent in Atlanta with my extended family. We usually refer to it as a Tennessee Christmas. However, with my Grandparent getting older, we decided to forgo Tennessee and celebrate in Atlanta.

One little thing has prevented us from celebrating in Atlanta. The FLU! Asher first caught it 2 weekends before Christmas. Then he passed it onto me and so forth. Once Jason got it, we knew it would be a matter of time before Alec got it. So 10 days before Christmas, the entire clan is sick with the flu! Now we are better, Alec is still suffering from headaches and occasional fever.

Since we can't be in Atlanta with family, we are actually spending our first Christmas in our own home as a family ever! Big Feat! I know. I'm sadden a bit because, this is Asher's first Christmas. My grandparents (Asher's Great grandparents) haven't met him yet, nor my aunt and uncle in Atlanta. I had been looking forward to this Christmas and planning so much, that now it just depressing.

I am trying to think of the positives of staying home,

1. Baking cookies with Alec on Christmas Eve for Santa

2. Going to a Christmas Eve Church service

3. Riding around the neighborhoods looking at the Christmas Decorations

4. Actually spending a Christmas at home

5. Not having to drive 8 hours one way

6. Not having to deal with a 10 month old who wants to get into everything in a strange non-baby proofed home.

7. Not having to lug all the gifts and then hide them until Christmas

8. Being able to rest and relax all Christmas break and not "recoup from vacation"

I just hope that two years from now in 2010 when its time to go to Atlanta again, no one is sick!

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